Tuesday, November 14, 2006

X-treme Sports : Snowboarding

Snowboarding is similar to skiing, but inspired by surfing and skateboarding. The sport was developed in the United States in the 1960's and 1970's and became a Winter Olympic Sport in 1998.

Now it finally became accepted as a real competetive sport, not only a new trend which would disapear again.

In the 1998 Olympics this new sport, snowboarding, was a huge success!

In 1998, snowboarding was almost 50% of all winter activity. Most of the ski resorts now accept skiers and snowboarders.

Snowboarding is finally accepted by everyone!

(Está bem atento nas próximas aulas de Inglês pois irás falar de outros desportos radicais onde a adrenalina é a palavra-chave! Entretanto diverte-te com o video e fica a saber um bocadinho mais sobre este fantástico desporto, o Snowboard!)

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