Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dia dos Saberes

On the 13th of February there were no classes at our school!
Instead, we enjoyed ourselves with other activities, where we had the chance to learn new things about every subject!
Here are some of the activities which took palce at the "polivalente" (students' common room):


Anonymous said...

ola stora................ta td bem? tamos com mts saudades suas faz ca uma falta.
muitos bjs sara neves 9f

Anonymous said...

ola stora tamos c/ mtas saudades suas.. faz-nos mta falta... kuando é k nos vem visitar? tamos à espera... ta tudo bem???
connosco ta tudo mt bem!!! bjinhos das suas (para sempre)alunas Adriana Henriques(a nº1 do 8ºF)
e filipa (a nº7 tb do 8ºF)